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Join the campaign for fair data use

Let's hold companies accountable for the data they collect. Join the campaign to receive updates on the latest investigations and ways you can get involved.

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Concerned about how businesses collect and use your data? You’re not alone.

That’s why CHOICE is investigating companies that misuse our consumer data and use data driven technologies against us. We’re fighting to make all forms of data misuse – from discriminatory pricing to deceptive web design that misleads consumers – a thing of the past.

Right now, there aren't many limits to the personal information that companies can collect or how they can use it. Together, we can ensure that companies stop using our data unfairly.

Already, we’ve:

What are we calling for?

With your help, we can continue to push big businesses and the government to protect your data. 

Want to know more about how we will treat your data? Read our policy here.

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